Dispute Resolution Policy
1. ALBM pledges to resolve all grievances, disputes and complaints via our Dispute Resolution Policy
2. Our Dispute Resolution Policy is well-documented in our Student Hand Book and communicated to all our students through our website and Notice Boards within the College's premises.
3. Our Dispute Resolution Policy includes appeals for retention, suspension, expulsion, dismissal, rejection of module exemption, rejection of module deferment, non-renewal of student pass, non –National Service exemption and non-award of certificate.
4. All complaints or grievances shall be handled with care and sensitivity.
5. All complaints or grievances shall be acknowledged by ALBM within 2 working days.
6. Only complaints or grievances written on the Student Complaint and Grievance Form shall be accepted by the Student Affairs Department.
7. Complaints received via email, telephone or by letter will be not entertained unless substantiated by the student’s particulars and a valid reason as to why the complainant is unable to come down personally to lodge the complaint.
8. We pledge to communicate the results of our investigation into the complaint to the student as soon as the results are available. Students are required to acknowledge that they have received the results.
9. All complaints shall be dealt with in accordance with our Confidentiality Policy and will be recorded in our Student Complaint/Grievance Register.
10. All actions taken to resolve these complaints shall be recorded and analyzed. This data will be used as inputs for our continuous improvement.
11. All complainants shall receive in writing a response from the College, informing the students of the investigation into the complaint.
12. The Student Counselor will endeavor to resolve the complaint on the same day of receiving the complaint if possible.
13. If the complaint cannot be resolved amicably on the same day, it will be investigated by the Student Affairs Department within the next 7 working days.
14. The Student Affairs Department will inform the student of the outcome. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome or the matter cannot be resolved amicably, the matter will be escalated to the Chief Academic Officer for consideration. The Chief Academic Officer will deliberate and attempt to resolve the dispute within 7 working days. The maximum time taken to resolve these complaints shall be 21 working days.
15. Students will be informed of the outcome and if they are still not satisfied with the outcome, the student will be advised to go to the Singapore Mediation Centre for alleged unsatisfactory service by ALBM.
16. If the matter cannot be resolved, the matter can be referred to the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators for a final decision. All decisions made by this centre is binding on all parties to the dispute.
17. All actions/decisions made in the course of this resolution will be recorded in the Student Complaint/Grievance Register and will be used as inputs for our annual reviews.
18. We pledge to review this policy and system every year as part of our continual improvement efforts.